
The below tables is represented by Figure 4 in Agustyati (nd) and includes information on the law regulating elections by office and whether the law is current or regulated earlier elections. Additionally, the last row contains laws on political parties as these regulate candidate nominations and organization of parties competing in elections. Each law can be accessed by clicking on the pertinent link. (Unofficial English translations (U.E) are linked alongside the law where available).


Office Current Prior Prior Prior Prior
President 7/2017 U.E 8/2012 U.E 42/2008 23/2003 U.E
DPR 7/2017 8/2012 10/2008 12/2003 3/1999 U.E
DPD 7/2017 8/2012 10/2008 12/2003 3/1999 U.E
DPRD-I 7/2017 8/2012 10/2008 12/2003 3/1999 U.E
DPRD-II 7/2017 8/2012 10/2008 12/2003 3/1999 U.E
Governor 10/2016 1/2015 22/2014 U.E 32/2004
Regent/Mayor 10/2016 1/2015 22/2014 32/2004 22/1999
Political Parties 2/2011 2/2008 31/2002 2/1999 U.E